That was fast. Christmas along with 2014 came and went and it was a whirlwind. Harper and Crew had an amazing Christmas, and we are so blessed to be able to be a fortunate as we are. Harper got everything on her list plus a million other things and little goose cleaned up too. A lot of toys that he will be able to use in the near future his big sister is playing with all of those "just to make sure he will like them, he said we could share." Per usual, I was also spoiled by my man, and he made out pretty well too ;) We were able to spend lots of time with our family, eat lots of great food (which is always the best part), and make some amazing memories. I attempted to try and learn a little bit more about my camera over the holidays, but between aperture, shutter speed and lighting my head is spinning and my pictures are not any better. 2015 I'll be putting in a little more effort and trying to get my picture game on point, specifically before we head to Disney! I also have an extra incentive since Russ got me a snazzy new camera strap, found
here! We rang in 2015 like many parents with a toddler and a baby, we watched a movie and were in bed by 10, didn't even see the ball drop and we wouldn't of had it any other way. We will take all the sleep we can get. We made up for it in the morning with celebratory chocolate chip pancakes..winning! Although, not winning we started off the new year with our sweet Crew being extremely sick, a trip to immediate care and the doctor, followed by myself getting sick and Harpy having a cold. Luckily, it was just a really bad virus, not the flu or pneumonia..bonus! We are feeling much, much better and our baby boy is back to himself! We are rocking and rolling right into the new year and we are back in the swing of things, school, work, and our countdown to Disney, whoop whoop!! We have a lot to look forward to this year and we are ready with open arms. A tad late, but hopefully everyone enjoyed their holidays and are taking on everything this new year has to offer! xoxo
Drool bibs which are a lifesaver found