He's Arrived!

To give a brief summery of the last month in our house, it goes a little something like this, nine months pregnant, a month of kidney stones, a crazy two year old, sleepless nights, and excitement as we waited for our sweet, sweet boy. Even with the last month being a little bitter, the sweetness that arrived on July 22 made up for it all. To say the three of us are obsessed would be quite the understatement. Russ, Harper and I are over the moon for Crew, and we did not know what we were missing without this perfect boy. Harper has been completely in her element, as she tells people "you can just hold my baby, because he is mine." We knew she would be a great big sister but we didn't know she would be this great, it's amazing to see her face light up every morning. As soon as her eyes open the first words out of her mouth are, "where is my brudder, I need to go kiss my brudder!" This little man is well traveled and he has probably been more places then most 40 year olds and he isn't even a month old. We don't let giving birth slow us down in this house, no sir! We were able to have the baby on a Tuesday, make it to the zoo by Friday, the last night of the state fair on Saturday, newborn photo shoot and roughly 25 restaurants in the last two weeks. Russ and I are trying our best to wear out all our little people, so we can have a little shut eye at night, although the littlest hasn't caught on to our antics yet! We are doing our best to make the best of what is left of our summer, as our favorite girl Nana returns to work, and Harper starts nursery school we are looking forward to fall. Crew has fit right in to our brood, and we are happier than ever. So pardon us while we brag over our favorite boy!

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