
I have been very excited to start my blog, so I figured starting it off with a bang would only be appropriate! There has been a lot going on around here including a big birthday weekend, and probably the biggest bang of all we have a potty trained 2 year old, I mean can you say best birthday present ever, well that and my dozen Georgetown Cupcakes. We never thought the highlight of our lives would be turing the back of our car into a "potty station" complete with our handy green potty, wipes/tp, and a water bottle for our own version of "flushing." Although, we will basically do anything at this point to avoid changing a diaper of a two year old (which is like a grown man) so we are proud of our make shift port-a-potty, even if our break on diapers is only going to be short lived with our second peanut making an arrival in approximately 8 weeks!

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