Thanks Stacy!

I was nominated by a friend and fellow blogger, Stacy for the Liebster blogger award, this is for new bloggers who inspire, and I have been challenged to a few questions from Stacy.. So here you go!

1. What do you consider the most extreme thing you have ever done?
I would have to say the most extreme thing I have done is become a parent, I mean your thrown into this "extreme" lifestyle and you know nothing about it until you actually do it, but like in all good extreme activities your adrenaline kicks in and you go into survival mode. You basically do what you have to do!

2. Name your favorite band or singer.
To royally embarrass my husband I would have to say it's a toss up between, UB40 and Michael Jackson, haha.

3. Name your favorite song.
I mean Red, Red Wine obviously, that or Dirty Diana.

4. What would you do with a million dollars?
I would definitely give money to all my peeps so that we could hang out together without having to worry about money, what's fun about having all that moolah if you have no one to hang with and spend it with!

5. What did you make for dinner last night?
I made San Francisco chicken, corn on the cob, and peas, the chicken is my hubby's fav. and it's super easy to make, which is what I'm all about these days.

6. What is your favorite color?
My favorite color would be blue, although if you asked my mother according to my wardrobe it would be gray, black or white..thanks mom.

7. If you could live anywhere, where would you pick?
I would live somewhere in the south, anywhere that is a quaint little town with awesome food and the weather is nice almost year round, I love seasons but I dread the cold more and more each year.

8. What's one thing you hope to accomplish before you die?
One thing I hope to accomplish before I die would be to have a house full of kids/grand kids and tons of awesome family traditions and memories. To me there is nothing better then a bunch of wild kids running around the house and lots of yummy food.

9. What's one thing you hope to accomplish before the day is over?
Definitely it would be vacuuming this house, shew the dog hair is never ending, and I'm OCD about it at this point.

10. What's the last book that you read?
Sadly, I have not had a ton of time to read even though I love it, so the last book I read was one to Harper, "The girl who wouldn't brush her hair."

11. Why did you start blogging?
I wanted to be able to do something that was for me and I could take a little time of my own to work on something that was fun and I could reflect on memories, what we were into at that time, and other cool aspects of our life.

Thanks for thinking of me Stacy, this was a fun blog post for sure, and got me using my brain! Be sure to check out Stacy's blog Life in the Fast Lane,  Here!

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