Keeping up

Okay, I'm officially trying to keep up with my posts a little bit more. I sometimes find myself falling behind and then I end up with so much to post at one time that it's an overload! So hopefully I can do a better job. Crew is whopping 33 weeks old! Clearly everyone thinks this of their own baby but he is literally the sweetest baby on the planet and most beautiful. It is rare occasion to not find him with a smile on that sweet little face, which is made even more precious now with one little snaggle tooth on the bottom. He has mastered clapping and that is his favorite thing to do right now. He is crazy about his sister and he just watches her in amazement, I know he is thinking "I have no clue what she is doing but I can't wait to do that too!" If he isn't clapping or eating which seem to be his favs. (we are currently in the process of taking out a second mortgage to feed this little ham...joking, joking..but literally he eats everything) he is saying "dadadadad" he loves his daddy and Russ gets that ridiculously huge smile on his face, similar to the one he gets when the Hoyas take the win. Crew is the best addition to our family and since having him we are the happiest we have ever been. Harper too thinks he is the best and tells me on a daily basis, "thank you for getting my brother out of your belly, when can we get 6 more babies out of your belly?" ahhh..that's not happening but we are so glad that she has a permanent little buddy and someone to practice all her mommy skills on. Happy 33 weeks goose!

Lastly, I'm obsessing over my new favorite thing I found! Chatbooks are super adorable 6x6" photo books that use your posts from Instagram and turn them into 60 page bound books for only $6 bucks and its free shipping! I got my first batch today and they are ahmazingg! They are small, stackable and easy. Get over there and get them, follow them on Instagram for free book codes they give out all the time! Enjoy #loveChatbooks @chatbooks.

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