Gallery Wall

Eeek! I'm shrieking with excitement! Not with summer being over, of that I'm quite sad! However, about 5 years ago I was flipping through a Pottery Barn magazine and came across a gallery wall that hasn't left my mind since then. I kept the magazine for a while hoping to do a similar wall myself but 3 kids and 3 houses later it can't be found. Luckily, I remembered the jist and was able to do a quick Google search and find the same picture! Many months and convincing of Russ that I needed his assistance on this project, it's done!! It turned out basically amazingg, besides finding the rope which proved to be a little harder than it should have been it was a fairly easy project and just takes a little time to make sure everything is measured and leveled correctly. Here are some pics of our process with all the info on our project! Enjoy!

The original picture from Pottery Barn here

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